Welcome to A Game Changer; Change Makers
For most of you who don’t know me by name, I’m Shammia. I’m in Looking In Theater, a GHAA circle keeper, and I just generally run around during class periods working on a new school project. With that being said, I’ve done lots of leadership training. I thought, “There is no need to do it anymore, especially if it’s a non-credit class, but the new Change-Makers class is something absolutely different.
In class today, we spent the first half playing a game of human tic-tac-toe. Increasing in difficulty each time we strategize under the new rules: 1st, always hold your symbol above your head; 2nd, no talking 3rd: no communication.
“Ok, I get it. You’re the leader, strategizing to lead your team to its next win.
I asked myself what the point of the game was when it was under my nose the whole time. The lesson was leadership vs. management. I can only speak from my personal experience; I’m still processing all the information I just learned, and if I tried to explain it all to you now, I’d be speaking gibberish and you would be trying to understand it.
The new Change Makers class isn’t here for a fun game or to reaffirm what you already know; it’s to break you down, rebuild you, and prepare you to break the system. I didn’t expect to love the class. It was just an audit on one fateful Friday. Now I know it’ll be the highlight of my high school experience. Consider it, try it, push yourself into something new, come to one class, and I promise you’ll come out different.
Class runs B5 in S1056 (Ms. Quinones room).
Talk to Mr. Richardson (through school or in person, A1072) to join.